NURO Shooting System (Patent Pending)

“Building Shooters’ brain-based training methodology combined with the NURO Shooting System is the future of professional firearms training. Simply put, you fight like you train, and if you’re still training with inanimate targets that don’t require decision-making to start and end every shooting repetition, you’re in the past. NURO should be a required training tool at every law enforcement academy, agency, and military shooting course.

“We just completed our first full-length police recruit academy firearms training using NURO. We have also been using it for our in-service training to create flexible, cost-effective decision making and skill performance scenarios. NURO enables all new methods of range control, forcing trainees to maintain awareness, appropriate decision making, respond to the changing environment, and de-escalating force with every repetition. Yet, it also still enables the development of high levels of fundamental skill.

“The wireless capability allows for quick changes in behavior to enhance performance among the trainees and introduce visual stimuli into every training rep. Furthermore, the system allows for training to more accurately reflect what is required in contemporary police work. Feedback from instructors and students alike has been very positive and the development of decision making is transferable. Static range drills, repetitive qualification, and pre-defined field courses that don’t scale are the past.”

-Armament Section Head, Syracuse New York Police Department

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