A New Reality for Cops

Article 059 – A New Reality for Cops: The public now expects officers to be competent in use of force.
Gun Safety Failure

Article 058 – Gun Safety Failure: The “Rust” movie set tragedy highlights fatal flaws in traditional gun safety rules.
Podcast – American Warrior Show with Rich Brown

Dustin had the opportunity to sit down with Rich Brown from the American Warrior Show to discuss training and the new NURO(R) Shooting System.
Team VTAC Podcast with SGM (Ret.) Kyle Lamb

Dustin had the opportunity and honor to sit down with a truly great American, Kyle Lamb, on the Viking Tactics Inc. Team VTAC Podcast to discuss the new book, Hitting in Combat.
Hate Won’t Help

Article 055 – Police use of force training is provably ineffective. We can fix it—but not by destroying the criminal justice system.
Qualification Needs To Go

Article 054 – Firearms qualifications used by most professional organizations are not just unrelated to real world firearms use, they are a significant part of the problem…
Police Training Fails Everyone

Article 052 – Fixing it can become the common ground we seek.
What Does it Mean to Succeed?

Article 050 – Whether what we are doing works or not depends heavily on what the definition of success looks like. Why do we still not have an answer?
Why a Field Training Model Fails

Article 049 – On the job training and mentoring programs work when two conditions are met. The mentor must know how to do and teach the task well, and the task must frequently be performed on the job. Neither of these apply to firearms training.
Money Won’t Fix Police Training

Article 048 – “Failure to train is one of the biggest areas of liability in law enforcement.” If this is true, then why does law enforcement continue to use training methods that don’t work?