Primary and Secondary Podcast
Podcast with Dustin and John Holschen. This is a long one! Lots of discussion about training design process, resource management and the integration of visual processing into shooting skills.
Why There’s No Off Ramp: Police Firearms Training Prevents De-escalation
Article 061 – Traditional training methods produce skills that are physically separated from the brain’s ability to process information and change behavior. This is no longer acceptable for armed professionals.
Building Pre-Traumatic Stress Resilience – Part 2
Article 053 – Proposing a model for understanding stress-related neural processing in tactical settings.
Building Pre-Traumatic Stress Resilience – Part 1
Article 051 – There has been a lot of work on performing under stress the past few decades. Some of it may need to be reexamined.
What Does it Mean to Succeed?
Article 050 – Whether what we are doing works or not depends heavily on what the definition of success looks like. Why do we still not have an answer?
Kinesthetic Shooting – Killing a False God
Article 042 – Teaching point shooting first can harm students, permanently.
Fake Expectations
Article 021 – When instructors have the wrong expectations about student performance, scenario-based training can be as likely to hurt as it is to help.